Friday, September 19, 2008

Use the Tools!

Somehow the Federal Tax incentive for first time homebuyers has been under utilized...or at least it appears to be so....and it should not be. What a great deal.....a first time homebuyer can literally get an interest free loan from the Federal Government, and pay it back over 15 years.

How it works;
The credit is available for first time homebuyers.
The maximum amount is $7500.
The credit is available for homes purchased on or after April 9, 2008, and before July 1, 2009.
Single Tax Payers with incomes up to $75,000 and married couples with incomes up to $150,000 qualify for the full tax credit.
The tax credit works like an interest free loan and must be repaid over a 15 year period.
For more information go to;

In addition to this tax advantage...which is unprecedented is also a great time to buy...prices are as low as they will go...and at Eastbrook Homes...we are matching the $7500 credit with a special $7500 First Time Homebuyers me for details....

Use the tools and resources can be a great time to

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