Friday, August 15, 2008

Response to Emma

Thanks to Emma for your question pertaining to the Federal Tax Credit for a home purchase (recent Housing Tax Act of 2008 passed on July 28th 2008);

Basically the idea is to stimulate housing sales…

The tax credit works as follows:

Who is eligible?
  • Any individual or family that has not owned a home in the last three years, or never owned a home.
  • Income (adjusted gross) limits are $75,000 for an individual and $150,000 for a couple.
  • Must be a resident of the U.S.
  • The home must be your principal residence.
  • The purchase need take place after April 9, 2008 and before June 30 of 2009.
How it works:

  • The IRS will cut up to $7500 in your tax bill in 2008 or 2009.
    Example: if you owe $4000 to the IRS on you4 08 tax, the $7500 credit would wipe out everything you owe plus get you a $3500 refund! If your tax bill is less than the credit amount…you get the difference back from the treasury.
  • This is like an interest free loan from the government…it is paid back over a 15 year period. For the $7500 credit…it is $500 per year.
For more information please check out

Thanks for the question Emma…I hope this helps...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bob. That was helpful. It seems like it really is a great time to buy a house!